Thursday 11 November 2010

University Protests - Violence and Politics

You might have noticed how much of the coverage of the student demonstration that took place in London yesterday is focusing on how a few bad people caused (illegitimate) violence which in some way "ruined" the event for the tens of thousands of (legitimate?) peaceful protest.
It's worth following this debate and seeing where it goes. Behind it are important questions about the proper role of violence in politics - does violence mark the break-down of legitimate political action, or is, as we'll see Franz Fanon arguing later in the course, violence an integral part of politics and of political struggles? What counts as violence? Is smashing a window politically legitimate in a way that attacking people is not?
These are all questions you might wish to ponder after the last 24hrs. We'll be talking about these questions in Room 5, so you might also want to save any interesting articles or news clippings. If you find anything you think is particularly good, I'd be very grateful to hear about it.
Happy pondering!

1 comment:

  1. Moral Maze programme tonight 17th november at 8pm on radio 4 - 'How far should we tolerate civil disobedience and direct action in a democracy'
