Tuesday 30 November 2010

Tutorial notes- Wednesday 24th November 2010

19:00 Welcome- So far in this room you’ve discussed the relationship between leaders and led and the notion of representation. This seminar will cover Week 3: A Crisis of Representation? Having considered the idea that democracy is now in crisis because people no longer vote, it covers three main topics: the role of citizens in a democracy; the rise of populism; and the rise of the Information and Network Society. We will spend half an hour on each and then you will be given the final half hour to discuss TMA 02 between yourselves and ask me any questions you have about TMAs.

19:05 What role for citizens in democracy. (Readings found in 2nd section of week 3)

What is the key feature of democratic and legitimate decision making for Barber and Manin?

In the extracts from Barber and Manin, the two writers anticipate criticism of their own positions. What are those criticisms and how do they refute them?

Why does Schumpeter feel that citizens can’t make legitimate decisions about national and international matters? Do you agree?

Why does Walzer think that these citizens can, nevertheless play an important part in political decision making?

Do you think citizens should be more involved in politics?

19:30 The Rise of Populism

What is your favourite example of a politician trying to look ‘down with the kids’?

What other groups of people have politicians tried to appeal to in a populist way and how have they done it?

Do you think these attempts helped them become more popular politically?

What sort of person does a politician wish to be seen as?

Why might someone worry that populism makes a tyranny of the majority more likely?

Do you think a ruler can ever really be ‘of the people’?

19:55-20:05 Break

20:05 The Information and Network Society

How might ‘knowledge’ be an important component of traditional theories of democracy?

Do you think that globalisation undermines traditional theories of democracy? How?/Why not?

Who do you think count as part of the knowledge elite?

Could they be held democratically accountable? How?/ Why not?

20:30 How do theories of democracy help us to understand the role of modern political leaders? Discuss.

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